Sunday, December 9, 2012

Felicity's Birth Story!

This is Felicity's birth story for those interested in all the gory details. There are also pictures of the precious angel for those who have been asking.

On Tuesday, the 4th, I went to the doctor, when I was 41 weeks. She checked me and told me I was 2 cm and she swept the membranes she could reach. We also went over all the details for the scheduled induction on the 6th. I had been having contractions pretty regularly, but none of them hurt. By Tuesday night, the contractions were about 3-7 minutes apart, but not too painful. David suggested I call my mom and get her out here so we could go to the hospital. I really did not think we needed to go to the hospital because I was certain she was not coming until eviction day, the 6th. So, we went to the hospital and arrived around 12:30 am on the 5th. They hooked me up to the monitors and saw the contractions coming regularly, but when I got there I was still 2 cm. They were worried because the baby's heartbeat was staying constant and not fluctuating. They said I would have to be induced that night. Being an experienced mom, I said, "Woah. Hold on a minute. I am scheduled to be induced on the 6th. I am tired and the baby is sleeping. May I have some juice to see if that wakes her up?" So, they gave me some juice and sure enough she started responding. Once they saw this, they suggested I walk around for 2 hours to see if that jump started things. David and I walked and walked and the contractions kept coming, but I did not find them painful. I also have a high pain threshold, so I was hopeful but not optimistic that these contractions were doing something. We went back and I was 2.5 cm. They said they could induce me then and there. I declined. I wanted to go home. It was 4:30 in the morning and I knew I did not have the strength to endure a pitocin induced labor right then. So, they said they could let me go, only after I had an ultrasound to check for fluid levels. Ugh. Really. I'll be back in 26 hours. I could tell tell they were anxious for me to stay and be induced. I was anxious to leave the hospital and give my girl every last chance to come on her own. They were pulling out all the stops. So, I get the ultrasound, which reveals massive amounts of fluid, but I can't go because the doctor has to read the report and confirm that I can go. Finally, we get to leave and we arrive home at 7:00 just as the kids are getting up and neither of us has gotten any sleep. I managed a two hour morning nap on Wednesday. I got everything prepared for the next day.

Thursday morning, we left the house by 5:15 to get to the hospital for the induction. I get signed in and changed and hooked up to the monitors, but not before some final belly shots. And I just loved my labor and delivery gown. It made me feel pretty!

The monitors revealed that that the baby had a very high heart beat, in the 180's, which was very concerning to them. They like to see the heat rate between 110-160. Last night it had been 120's-130's. I tried not to freak out, but I could see the C-Section look on their faces. No one had to say it. They left me hooked up to the monitors for over an hour and her heart rate started to go down as I prayed like crazy. Finally it was down in the 150's and they started the pitocin drip at about 7:30. I was still 2.5 cm dilated at that point.

I was hooked up to the pitocin for a while and they kept increasing my dose. I was able to get up to use the bathroom and to sit in a chair, but I was hooked up to the monitors the whole time. Around 10:30, my contractions were about 3 minutes apart and the doctor came in to break my water. When I say it was a lot of fluid, I don't think there are any words to describe how much fluid kept gushing out. Unfortunately, there was meconium in the fluid and they were concerned that she could  have aspirated it, so they arranged for a house pediatrician to be there at the birth, just in case. After that I had to stay in bed. This was not my regular doctor, but a doctor in her practice group. She checked me and after 3 hours of pitocin, I was only 3 cm. I tried not to get discouraged, but I was. They also moved the contraction monitor from my belly to an internal one. From 10:30 to 1:30, I sat in bed getting more and more discouraged because the contractions were not getting stronger notwithstanding the increased pitocin doses every 15-30 minutes. I guess it was about 12:30 or so, that I stood  up because more and more fluid was coming out and I wanted to change the pads on the bed and David was out at lunch. David came back as I was standing up and I told him to get the bed pan so I could pee, which I did, but my contraction monitor came out. So, we had to get the midwife to reinsert it. When she did, she checked me and I was still 3 cm at 12:30. Five hours on pitocin and no progress! I was discouraged and tears streamed down my face. The midwife said I could not stand up or walk around because the water had been broken and there was a chance that the cord could get between my cervix and the baby's head and strangle her since her head had not descended down to my cervix. Her head was not yet up against my cervix. The contractions were still not bad, but I had pain in my back. I decided to listen to my iPod and cheer myself up. Around 1:30 my OB came in. She saw the tears in my eyes. I asked her if I could please get up and walk around. She checked me and said the baby's head was against the cervix so there was no chance of her getting strangled. She had the nurse track down a portable monitor so I could walk the halls. In all the years of being induced with every labor, I have never heard of been offered a portable monitor! All I could say was, "Merciful God, thank you!" I was so happy.

Around 1:45, I had my monitor around my neck and took hold of my IV stand and proceeded to walk the halls with David. After a couple laps, the contractions started picking up. I felt the need to grab the rail on the walls and squat with every contraction. I would go into a deep squat and breathe with each contraction. After about 30 minutes of this, I could tell the baby had turned her head into the right position because the back labor stopped. The contractions were definitely worse, so I knew something must be going on. The nurse tracked us down and said that I would have to find a way to hold the heartbeat monitor on my belly when I had a contraction or else they would put me back in bed. So, each time I squatted and breathed, David held the heartbeat monitor on my lower belly. The contractions eventually got so bad that I had to get David to assist me in getting out of the squatting position at the end of the contraction. David said all the doctors and nurses were staring at me walking and squatting and breathing, but I did not notice. I was in a zone. The contractions got worse and eventually, David was pretty much picking me up out of the squatting position after each contraction.

At one point, Rose, the midwife, came over to encourage me and tell me how awesome I was doing and to continue to listen to my body. She had a student with her and she was telling the student that this was how it was supposed to be. She helped me breathe through a bad contraction and with a few words of her encouragement, I was refocused. My walking slowed, and I began to feel a little nauseous. I felt as though I turned white. A few doctors and nurses would ask me if I was alright, and I was. Eventually, I got to feel as though I needed to go back to the room. I felt like I needed to be there for some reason and that I wanted to sit down just for a moment. My walking was very slow and I felt weak and faint.

We slowly made back to the room through some bad contractions. So, I sat down and immediately got back up. The baby was right there; I could not sit. I got up and grabbed and leaned over the counter through the worst contraction yet. I think I might have actually made some noise through that one. At this time, a student nurse came in to take my vitals. Really, she did. She tried to stick a thermometer in my mouth, and I just looked at her and said, "can you do that another time?" She asked if I was alright and I said, "I think the baby is coming." She asked what she should do. I told her to get someone. Within seconds, about 10 people were in the room. I am not exaggerating. The doctor came in and asked if I wanted her to check me. I asked if she could do it while I was standing up because I did not want to get back in that bed. I was afraid they'd never let me out again. She said she could try, but it would be awkward and she would prefer if I were in bed. I was 9.5 and just about read to go. I was sweating like crazy and all these people were over the bed and I was feeling very claustrophobic. A nurse got an ice pack for the back of my neck and forehead and that helped. It was time to push, but I tell you, lying on the bed flat on my back seemed like the most unnatural position to me. It was so uncomfortable. All I wanted to do was stand up and then squat and push the baby out. I was having trouble with the pushing thing with the force of gravity working against me. After about three pushes, the baby's head crowned, and it burned like crazy. The doctor told me to push again, and I just could not. I could not stand being on my back so I asked her if I could stand up as I attempted to get out of bed. I think four people restrained me, as she literally screamed, "Absolutely not! You are about to deliver a baby and you are going to stay in bed." Another push and her head was out and then her shoulder was stuck and that really hurt. The last thing I wanted to do was push. I think I tried to climb off the bed again at that point and was restrained and somehow in that process pushed the baby out. I felt like I tore and they took the baby right to the pediatrician because they were worried about meconium aspiration. They did not even put her on my belly to kiss her. That is the first time that ever happened to me. She was with the doctor for a long time, it seemed, getting checked out. She was fine.

The doctor collected the cord blood and tissue and we delivered the placenta, which was huge and healthy looking. The cord was also very big, wide and healthy looking. I don't remember the other kids' being so remarkable that I would comment about it. Maybe that is why she was so big! Then, the doctor stitched me up without any medication. I think I was so sensitive by then that that seemed to hurt more than the birth! I did not need stitches with any of the other kids, so this was new for me and let me tell you, it makes the recovery a little more challenging.

The doctor and pediatrician were finished at the same time and I was finally able to hold my girl! I could not stop staring at her pudgy cheeks and kissing them and thanking God for his goodness and grace and mercy. She was perfect. All the while, the Ave Maria, different versions of it, were playing on my iPod, over and over.

Felicity Rose came at 3:46 PM, weighing 8 pounds, 10 ounces and 21 inches. It only took about 1.5 hours of walking for me to go from 3-10 cm and ready to push. If I would have been confined to that bed, I know it would have been longer and I would have been screaming for the epidural. I was so thankful that my doctor showed up to check on me--I know she saw how discouraged I was and she took pity on me. I was also thankful for Rose and her encouragement and for David who was my rock through all those contractions.

Felicity means happiness, and she is named for St. Felicity of St. Perpetua and St. Felicity named in the canon of the Mass, who were martyred in Carthage in 202. Rose is symbolic not only of the blood of the martyrs, but also of the blood of Christ and of the Blessed Mother.

David brought the kids by on Friday to meet their new sister. And I was able to go home on Saturday morning. We even got out to go to Mass on Sunday morning.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

41 Week Appointment

Today, I had my 41 week appointment. It was the standard stuff. I am 2 cm dilated so at least that is some progress. The OB swept my membranes in hopes that doing so would get something started. So far, it hasn't.  If #5 doesn't come on her own, then I will go to the hospital at 6:30 Thursday morning to be induced with pitocin. The OB believes things will move quickly once they administer the pitocin and break my water. I hope she is right. She also guessed the baby was 7.5 pounds.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Well, with today being December 1, I am officially three days overdue and as I predicted from the word go, I made to December and am still pregnant. Number 5 seems content in my tummy and does not seem to want to make an appearance any time soon. What scares me about her lack of appearance at this point is it could translate into her not making an appearance any time on her own. I told David today that she wouldn't come until 6th, the scheduled induction date, and of course he accused me of being the voice of doom and gloom rather than the voice of optimism. I hope I am wrong this time. David is very anxious for her to come and so is a good friend of ours who gave us a bottle of Dom Perignon yesterday because he was so anxious for her arrival!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

What's In A Name?

How did we choose the name Felicity? It's really a simple question and we have been long decided upon her name. When we first told the kids about the baby back in April, Isabelle suggested naming her Felicity. Felicity was on my short list, just after Anastasia, which David vetoed immediately. We could not think of anything we liked better and so it stuck. Literally, she has been Felicity since she was conceived, or even before (read the next paragraph).

Contrary to what some have suggested, we did not name her after Isabelle's American Girl Doll with the same name. Back in January, on Roe v. Wade day to be exact, the kids had a prayer service at school and were requested to spiritually adopt and pray for a baby (and the baby's mother) that would be conceived somewhere in the world on that day. Isabelle's baby that she spiritually adopted and prayed for was named Felicity. A month later, I was pregnant. It seemed like it was meant to be.

We actually named her after St. Felicity, of St. Perpetua and St. Felicity who were martyred in Carthage in 202. St. Perpetua was a 22 year old Roman noblewoman and mother of a nursing infant who converted to Christianity and St. Felicity, also a convert, was her slave, who was pregnant when they were arrested. St. Perpetua kept very detailed accounts of their arrest and time in jail, so we are blessed to know so much about their lives and the circumstances surrounding their martyrdom. Many myths and legends tend to surround the early martyrs, but we know that the accounts of their martyrdom are true thanks to the writings of St. Perpetua. St. Felicity was worried that she would not be able to be martyred with her fellow converts because of rules preventing the killing of pregnant women. She gave birth to a baby girl the day before they were killed. She and St. Perpetua had every reason to live and yet they paid the highest price for the love of Christ. On the day they were martyred, they were led into the amphitheater, where they were scourged by gladiators, then attacked by wild animals and finally stabbed to death.

St. Felicity is the patron saint of mothers of pregnant women. The name Felicity means joyful and "joyful" would not even begin to describe my emotion when we found out I was pregnant. Felicity is also one of the few female saints named in the Canon of the Mass.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

40 Weeks

Today, I am exactly 40 weeks pregnant! Today is my due date and it  looks like it will come and go without me having a baby. I expected this. I expected to be late and have said all along to many people that I did not think she would come until December. I am grateful for this because I really did not want to have another holiday baby, and since Thanksgiving is "my" holiday and it can fall anywhere from the 22-28, getting as far past the 28th as possible was my preference. Holiday babies tend to get the short end of the stick in so many ways. By far the worst time to have a baby is in the days before Christmas. I can speak from experience with this as Jeremiah's birthday is December 20. The twins' birthday is January 6 and that is bad enough coming right after Christmas and New Years, but that birthday right before Christmas is dreadful. Gabriel's birthday often falls around Easter week. This is not ideal either. This year, his birthday will be the day before Easter. While he will get to enjoy a long Easter break as part of his present this year, he will not be in school to celebrate with his friends and if we want to have a friend party, we will have to wait until after spring break or the weekend before to have a party so that we can make sure his friends are in town to attend. Also, family may not be inclined to come see him on his birthday because they know they will see him the next day on Easter and so he gets the "Happy Easter, Happy Birthday" treatment, much like Jeremiah gets the "Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday" treatment. I think it's awful, as a mother, and I just did not want that for another child of mine.

In any case, she will come when she will come and she can wait a few more days, that would great!

Today, I had my 40 week appointment. The doctor and the tech were surprised I was still hanging around pregnant. I am not. Everything looks fine. She is still high and my cervix is still sealed shut. The doctor had "the talk" with me about when and how long she would let me go. She has been holding fast to her one week rule and I could not get her to budge from that. As I expected, she would not let me leave the office without "Plan B" in place (Plan B, meaning a scheduled drop-dead date for induction). I mean, at 38 weeks, she would have scheduled me for anytime after 39 weeks, 0 days, and had made it clear that scheduling is the way most women are going these days. Well, obviously, I am not most women. For starters, most women don't have 5 babies. In addition, I have been induced with each of my deliveries and I can think of few more unpleasant things, especially when trying to do so without an epidural. I tried my best and used all my lawyerly skills to get her to budge on the one week rule, but she said that she would not accept responsibility for the baby if something were to happen if I went past 41 weeks, and she would require me to come in every other day for fetal monitoring and fluid checks. It's kind of a scary thing when a high-risk OB tells you she will not accept responsibility, and it really makes you think if you could live with yourself if something bad were to happen if your OB tells you she won't accept responsibility. I know plenty of women who have gone 10, 12, 14 or more days past their due dates and had perfectly healthy babies, but if yours is the one where something is wrong, then none of that matters. I wanted to wait to schedule the induction until next week's appointment, but she was not happy about that because they don't schedule things on Fridays or weekends and if I waited until next Wednesday to come in for my 41 week appointment, there would be very little chance of me being able to schedule something for next Thursday and then we would be beyond her 41 week comfort zone.

All that being said, I asked her when was the latest she would let me go. Given that they will not schedule on Fridays or weekends, that left next Thursday, the 6th, as drop-baby date. She wanted to see me before that, so I will go back in on Tuesday, the 4th, assuming the baby has not come yet and if she still hasn't come by the 6th, then I will be induced on the 6th at 41 weeks, 1 day or 8 days late. I think, in terms of probability, it is very likely she will come on her own before then, but my gut tells me she won't. Hopefully my gut is wrong, and she will come on her own. That is certainly what I am praying for, but just in case, I wanted to give her every opportunity to come on her own, and I'll be able to rest easier knowing I did what I could to give her and me that chance.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

More Pregnant Than Ever

Today, at 39 weeks, 3 days pregnant, I am officially more pregnant than I have ever been. It was exactly at this time during my pregnancy with Jeremiah that I was forced to deliver him because he stopped growing. I actually went into the hospital around 7:00 at night at 39 weeks, 2 days, to begin the induction. He was born about 5 hours later, at 12:17 A.M. at 39 weeks, 3 days.

I also know, based upon what my OB has said to me in no uncertain terms, that I will be pregnant for no more than one week and four days. She has said that she will induce me at one week after my due date. The end is in sight. In a week-and-a-half or less, we will be holding our baby girl in our arms. Of course, I am praying she comes on her own, on her own terms as I would like to avoid an induction at all costs. I would love to have just one pregnancy where I am not induced, where I can start labor on my own, where I can labor unconfined to a bed and unconfined to monitors. I know she would induce me now if I wanted. She said many women are coming in now asking to be induced at 39 weeks or have an elective C Section at 39 weeks. I've declined her every time.

The waiting game is on. Just waiting for her come on her own. I can wait. I am happy to wait. I'd wait longer than a week after my due date if I could convince my doctor (and believe me, if push comes to shove, I will try my best). For now, I will just enjoy these last days, however many there may be, of pregnancy.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

39 Week Belly Shot

Even though this includes some others, this is the closest I might get to a belly shot for this week:

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

39 Week Appointment

Yesterday, I was 38 weeks, 6 days and I had my 39 week appointment with my OB. It was at that point in my pregnancy, 38 weeks, 6 days, that I was induced with Gabriel. If I make to Saturday, I will be more pregnant in terms of weeks and days than I have ever been before.

Besides having to wait an inordinate amount of time, the appointment was uneventful. Standard stuff: pee in  cup, blood pressure, weight check, fetal heart rate and cervix check. Everything is fine and my cervix is sealed shut--not dilated or effaced at all. She is still super high up, which is becoming uncomfortable for me.

I asked my doctor again about how long she will let me go and she is holding fast to her 41 week rule. That means if she does not come before December 5, I will be forcibly induced, again. I am praying hard to avoid that and if anyone wants to join me, those prayers would be much appreciated.

So, I go back in one week, assuming she has not come yet and we'll see what's going on. I am assuming that the OB will want to have the induction scheduled when I leave the office next week just in case I go 41 weeks.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Final Nursery (and Name) Reveal

The nursery is finally ready and so I am finally ready to say that I am ready for #5. I had so much fun planning and decorating the nursery and I really hope she loves it (read: I hope she is a girly girl!).  It's purple and white with lots of butterflies. Isabelle is a bit jealous of the room and has said more than once that she would like to have the room, even though her room is about 3 times the size of this tiny nursery. I have posted below a video tour together with the final pictures. The purple is so peaceful and I just love sitting in the rocking chair soaking in its tranquility. Hopefully, this room can be her little oasis in the midst of the chaos that is my house with young and active children.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

38 Week Appointment

Today, I had my 38 Week OB appointment. Let's just say that the appointment was boring. In my book, boring is good. No, boring is great! I like boring because that means everything is okay. Normal blood pressure, normal urine tests, normal heart beat. Group B Strep was negative. I am not even sure what that is; all I know is that I have never had it with the others.

For the first time this pregnancy, I was checked down there. I could have told this doctor not to bother because I knew that nothing was going on. Sure enough, the cervix is still high and sealed shut. Not even a little movement. This is how it was with Gabriel and Jeremiah at this point as well.

I told her that I thought the baby would come late. She asked me why I thought that since I have never been 40 weeks before. I replied that I was induced with all the others, twice unwillingly, once by choice. So, I asked her how long she would let me go if I were late. She replied that she would give me one week and only one week. That means, if she is rigid in her one week rule, this baby will be here on or before December 5. I guess we will cross that bridge when and if we get to it, but her day to deliver babies is on Fridays, so I am wondering if she might let me go until the 7th so she could deliver the baby and not some doctor that I have never met before. Of course, if I go into labor on my own, then I get who I get, and that is fine, but if I have to undergo another forced induced labor, I would at least like to know the doctor.

So that was that. Boring. Boring except that I don't like her one week rule. Let's hope we don't get to that point though.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

37.5 Week Belly Shot

I am big and she could not get much higher! I don't think she is in a hurry to make an appearance and her rear end in my rib cage seems to be pretty comfy for her.

Friday, November 9, 2012

37 Week Appointment and Ultrasound

Yesterday, I had my 37 week OB appointment and a growth ultrasound. First, I had the ultrasound. There is plenty of fluid and the baby is growing well. She is not a "big" baby like many people think, but she is not small either. For the sake of posterity, here are her measurements at 37 weeks, 1 day:
BPD--9.03 cm--36 weeks, 4 days
HC--32.84 cm--37 weeks, 2 days
AC--32.00 cm--35 weeks, 6 days
FL--7.15 cm--36 weeks, 4 days

Overall, this puts her growth at 36 weeks, 4 days, so only four days behind. I was very happy with these numbers. For some reason, though, the overall growth percentile came in at the 37th percentile. Whatever. The doctor was happy with these numbers and said the growth was age appropriate and that I was not one of those women who would give birth to a 9 pound baby. I was very relieved to hear that. I could not imagine pushing a 9 pounder out of there! Ouch! She said if I go 40 weeks, to look for a baby that is around 7.5 pounds. I have a feeling that I will go more than 40 weeks with this one and we will see another December baby in this house. With the other kids all having holiday birthdays (or at least Gabriel has the potential to have a birthday on or near a holiday like he does in 2013 and in 2012, his birthday was a week before Easter), I would like to push this baby as far past a potential Thanksgiving baby as I can. That means, I would like her not to come any time in the last week-and-half of November, since Thanksgiving can fall any time between the 22nd and 28th. But I guess I have little say in the matter. What it does mean is that I will not be electing to have an induction at 39 or 40 weeks. If she comes on her own during that time, then that is fine, that will be God's plan for her, and I can live with that. What I cannot live with is forcing her out before she is ready for my convenience or anyone else's convenience.

In any case, the rest of the visit was just routine stuff, weight, blood pressure, pee in a cup. Everything is normal. Next week, I will get an internal exam. If my pregnancies with Gabriel and Jeremiah are any indication, there will not be much to report "down there" either!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

This Month!

On Thursday, the first, a random stranger asked me when I was due. When I replied the 28th, it hit me like a ton of bricks that I was due this month! This month! Whether our little girl comes sometime this month or early next month, it won't be long before we are holding her in our arms. This pregnancy has flown by. This month!

I realize that I have neglected this blog. Life with four active children who have lots of homework  is busy and does not leave for much blogging time. I have not updated on my 34 or 36 week OB appointments. Suffice it to say that they were routine exams and everything seems to be going well for me and #5. No issues to report. I do have my 37 week appointment on Thursday, the 8th, where I will receive another growth ultrasound. I am not too worried about this, based on the size of my belly alone!

I am doing well and not too terribly uncomfortable. My only real complaints are that it is hard to sleep (just getting ready for all those upcoming sleepless nights) and the terrible heartburn, especially at night.

The kids love to talk to and hug my belly. None of them can remember me being pregnant with Jeremiah, but this is something that at least three of them should be able remember. Jeremiah and Isabelle are especially good about talking to her, hugging her and kissing her. Isabelle is very excited  to meet her little sister.

The nursery is just about finished. It looks really good. The only thing we need to add is her name in white wood block letters above her crib. Maybe next weekend we will get that done. I'll also add some more souring butterflies around her name. Here is the preview!

We also bit the bullet this week and decided upon cord blood and cord tissue banking, something we have not done with the other four children. Back when the twins were born, it was relatively new and not many known diseases could be cured. But more and more possibilities are becoming available and it just seems like it would be foolish not to take advantage of this opportunity. I did speak with one of trusty priests about this, just to make sure we weren't violating any church law. He is very trustworthy and I trust his opinion and was especially happy when he told me it was not a problem.

I am going to pack my hospital bag this weekend. In the bag will be a custom made labor and delivery gown so I don't have to wear one of those ugly, itchy, worn hospital gowns that does not even cover your backside. It is really pretty.