Saturday, November 24, 2012

More Pregnant Than Ever

Today, at 39 weeks, 3 days pregnant, I am officially more pregnant than I have ever been. It was exactly at this time during my pregnancy with Jeremiah that I was forced to deliver him because he stopped growing. I actually went into the hospital around 7:00 at night at 39 weeks, 2 days, to begin the induction. He was born about 5 hours later, at 12:17 A.M. at 39 weeks, 3 days.

I also know, based upon what my OB has said to me in no uncertain terms, that I will be pregnant for no more than one week and four days. She has said that she will induce me at one week after my due date. The end is in sight. In a week-and-a-half or less, we will be holding our baby girl in our arms. Of course, I am praying she comes on her own, on her own terms as I would like to avoid an induction at all costs. I would love to have just one pregnancy where I am not induced, where I can start labor on my own, where I can labor unconfined to a bed and unconfined to monitors. I know she would induce me now if I wanted. She said many women are coming in now asking to be induced at 39 weeks or have an elective C Section at 39 weeks. I've declined her every time.

The waiting game is on. Just waiting for her come on her own. I can wait. I am happy to wait. I'd wait longer than a week after my due date if I could convince my doctor (and believe me, if push comes to shove, I will try my best). For now, I will just enjoy these last days, however many there may be, of pregnancy.

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