On Thursday, the first, a random stranger asked me when I was due. When I replied the 28th, it hit me like a ton of bricks that I was due this month! This month! Whether our little girl comes sometime this month or early next month, it won't be long before we are holding her in our arms. This pregnancy has flown by. This month!
I realize that I have neglected this blog. Life with four active children who have lots of homework is busy and does not leave for much blogging time. I have not updated on my 34 or 36 week OB appointments. Suffice it to say that they were routine exams and everything seems to be going well for me and #5. No issues to report. I do have my 37 week appointment on Thursday, the 8th, where I will receive another growth ultrasound. I am not too worried about this, based on the size of my belly alone!
I am doing well and not too terribly uncomfortable. My only real complaints are that it is hard to sleep (just getting ready for all those upcoming sleepless nights) and the terrible heartburn, especially at night.
The kids love to talk to and hug my belly. None of them can remember me being pregnant with Jeremiah, but this is something that at least three of them should be able remember. Jeremiah and Isabelle are especially good about talking to her, hugging her and kissing her. Isabelle is very excited to meet her little sister.
The nursery is just about finished. It looks really good. The only thing we need to add is her name in white wood block letters above her crib. Maybe next weekend we will get that done. I'll also add some more souring butterflies around her name. Here is the preview!
We also bit the bullet this week and decided upon cord blood and cord tissue banking, something we have not done with the other four children. Back when the twins were born, it was relatively new and not many known diseases could be cured. But more and more possibilities are becoming available and it just seems like it would be foolish not to take advantage of this opportunity. I did speak with one of trusty priests about this, just to make sure we weren't violating any church law. He is very trustworthy and I trust his opinion and was especially happy when he told me it was not a problem.
I am going to pack my hospital bag this weekend. In the bag will be a custom made labor and delivery gown so I don't have to wear one of those ugly, itchy, worn hospital gowns that does not even cover your backside. It is really pretty.
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